Prohibited Items

It is important to follow these guidelines while using Kinny List.

It is the responsibility of the user to abide by the Kinny List terms & conditions, site rules, and all laws that may apply to them.

Stuff that cannot not be posted on Kinny List include but are not limited to:

  • Violations of the law or the legal rights of others by-products, services, or content
  • Any living thing, plant, and their parts that are endangered or protected
  • Public assistance including but not limited to all WIC and SNAP items or funds
  • Items that are replicas, illegally acquired, pirated or fake/counterfeit; transfer forbidden gift cards or admission tickets
  • Any information that is proprietary, identifies or is confidential to anyone
  • Emails or ads providing, linking to, or advertising an unsolicited service or product
  • The offering, facilitation, or promoting of stud services, prostitution and/or human trafficking in any way, shape, or form, or anything even remotely close to it
  • Food or cosmetics that are contaminated and or not properly packaged; alcohol or tobacco
  • Reloadable materials, clips, gunpowder, ammunition, fireworks, explosives, cartridges
  • Child pornography; child exploitation or endangerment
  • Spear guns, BB/pellet guns, stun guns, firearms and parts; etc.
  • Unsanitized apparel and bedware, bodily fluids, body parts; hazardous materials, manufacturer defective items
  • Items related to controlled substances, prescription drugs, and medical devices
  • Marketing through affiliates; pyramid schemes; network marketing
  • Documents and items such as licenses, birth certificates, police badges, ID cards, etc.
  • Selling animals by piece and selling pets(adoption is acceptable)
  • The use of bait and switch, specific word spamming, deceptive, fraudulent, or misleading content
  • Any items that are not legally demilitarized within your country
  • Ads or emails that are threatening, offensive, malicious, defamatory, or obscene
  • Ticket sales to raffles, entries into sweepstakes, or anything related to lotteries or gambling
  • Content that is not relatively nearby or local, spamposted, categorized incorrectly, or posted in multiple areas
  • Ads or emails whose whose main intention is to bring visitors or viewers out of Kinny List to a different site
  • Items with scratched or tampered serial numbers, tools used for thievery, stolen items, etc.

If you come across anything that seems prohibited while using Kinny List, please press the “report” button within their listing.

Thank you for helping us to keep Kinny List a safe, comfortable, and honest space!

Manufacturer Defective Items

It is illegal to sell items that manufacturers have recalled and classified as defective. Please verify with the manufacturer, whether the item in question is still deemed safe, usable, and therefore sellable.

Here are some helpful links that can help you find more information about defective and recalled items: